BBMRI Work Programme

Inspiration & Concept:

When approaching the "Work Programme" design for BBMRI-ERIC, our team sought to design a layout that was clean and crisp. Our choice of gradient colors represents the continuous evolution in research, with each shade symbolizing the myriad stages of development and breakthrough.

As BBMRI-ERIC stands as a beacon for European biobanking, the layout's expansive, open design mirrors this vast network. Meanwhile, we retained elements from their existing brand identity to ensure a sense of continuity and recognition.

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Aesthetic & Layout:

Building on BBMRI-ERIC's existing brand identity, we introduced a contemporary twist. The juxtaposition of bold typography with soft gradient backdrops creates a dynamic balance, making the information both compelling and easy to digest.

The layout is structured yet flexible, guiding the reader's eye seamlessly through the content. Generous white spaces were incorporated to let the content breathe, emphasizing clarity and focus.

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We thank Dr. Jens Habermann for his valuable feedback, and the team at BBMRI-ERIC for their continued support.

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