Radhika Patnala featured in the Biology career insights podcast

Dr. Radhika Patnala talks about her journey of science communication in the podcast with Dr. Manish Kumar from Biology Career Insights

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Biology career insights is trying to provide source for inspiration and guidance in biology careers! It serves as platform for students, researchers and also for professional looking to advance your career in biology! The aim is to offer a wealth of information on the latest developments and trends in the field, as well as provide expert advice and insights into career paths and opportunities.

In this interview, Dr Radhika Patnala, CEO of Endosymbiont, talks to the host, Dr. Manish Kumar about her remarkable journey in science communication and entrepreneurship. She provides insights of her journey from turning a researcher with PhD in neuroscience from National University of Singapore and turning into a science artist. She shares how her love for microscopy and visualizing science during her PhD inspired her to explore science communication. Dr. Patnala talks about the career options available for those interested in visual science communication. She also openly talks about the challenges and opportunities in science communication, the problems AI brings to the field, and how she finds the balance between science and art and the fulfillment they bring her.

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